Thursday, September 01, 2005


I have this toothache for several days now and by the look of it, it seems there's already an infection. The right side of my jaw is swollen, though not that much, and my gums feel itchy. Gingivitis? I don't know.

During the onset of the pain in my molar on the first night, I had taken 1,500 ml of Ponstan yet without any relief. I must attribute the failure of the painkiller on the Red Horse that I had prior to the attack; drinking an ice-cold beer when you've already a controlled toothache will set off the pain again with an intensity no painkiller could neutralize.

Well, tootaches are one of the pains of living. Anyway, this kind of pain rarely falls on me so I just have to bear it.

But when swollen is gone I go directly to the barangay health clinic and get the pesky molar pulled out. The only problem while I wait for it is the throbbing pain that runs up to my temple.

Ah, this pesky toothache

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